Monday, October 27, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN! :Dmeeting you this year has been one of the best things that have happened to me. [and i bet you're the best thing that has happened to my otherhalf. ;)] thank you for being such an awesome friend & twin!
everytime we say something together / you say the things that are on my mind, i never fail to marvel at that fact. :)
i just thank god for putting you into my life.
i will miss you loads next year. :( no wait, loads is an understatement.

LOVE YOU LOADS!on another hand,
first successful surprise! :D
hurhur. with otherhalf and my partner-in-crime!
thank god this one didn't flip. :D
3:53 AM
Monday, October 13, 2008
xing's letter! :D
i squealed to see the letter. :D
will write back soon!
5:49 AM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
jubilee hall performance!
first indoor performance after concert.
at least this time we didn't need to battle the winds and the rains. :)

how many pictures do i have of you on my blog already? ahahahas.
but i still love you. <3
because you're the one who always puts the smile back on my face

and probably his last performance with us. :(
i'll miss him terribly when he leaves. :( :( :(
no more someone to read my mind and say what i'm thinking
no more someone to tell me funny stories
selfish me says, "can you not go?" :(

my dear girl who cried much the day before.

3508 sops <3

italy roomie! :D
hamham. hahahas.

met the og today!
for pepper lunch and pool. :D
and to celebrate wenbin's long belated birthday. =x

half the og. and the 'birthday boy'. :D

make a wish and cut the cake! :D
i love times with the og. :)
1:51 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
my world is kind of like this now.
the sky is overcast, yet there is half a sky which is bright.
my results are like this...

thank you for the chocs. :)
3:01 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
been wanting to post pictures! so here's some. :)
very outdated but yes,
botanical gardens!
it poured like crazy
dont remind me

KL trip! :D
on the coach
random lunch!
macaroni and cheese.
nicer looking than it really is. =x
pizza my mother made before my promos! :D
in the making...
baked to perfection! :D
seoul garden after promos!
with otherhalf, twin, yx, aaron and liwen. :)
i didn't know smoke could be captured on my camera! :D
otherhalf <3
secret mission with the otherhalf after promos
choir cookie day! :D
dollops before
cookies after! :D
for the comm!
pile of cookies! :D
i miss eating them.
shall bake again soon! :D
3:35 AM