Thursday, July 31, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! :Di have a cool mum okay. ahahahas.
decided to surprise her today. :)
so went down to raffles after school.
got her a bouquet (courtesey to leon for telling me where he got his last time! ahahs)
bought her a low fat mango cheesecake from starbucks (which is really good btw. courtesey to yaoxin for previously buying a cheesecake from starbucks for renzhi's birthday!)
went up to her office
when i was out of the school, i realised that i didn't even know the address to her office. i panicked and started looking for a non-existent name card. when i couldn't find it i called my cousin. when he didn't pick up the phone i called my aunt. when she didn't have the address i just decided to go with my gut feeling. heh. AND! i reached there safely. muahahas.
i love my mummy much!
5:42 AM
Friday, July 25, 2008
shopping with mummy cheng today! :D
guess it was really fun! to be running around to buy stuff. seriously, we were very 'suay' in the sense that we kept going to places, and they kept closing down on us! but things still always turned out well. :)
we wanted to go to the army market. so we went to lavander mrt. and we got lost trying to find the place. while getting lost, we found concourse! so we were damn happy. only to realise that the ENTIRE place is closed for renovations or something. then we realised that army market was just down to road. so we went there to get our things. managed to get 2 things from our list. then leon directed us to tekka market cause apparently there was where the balloon shop relocated to. when we went there, tekka market was under renovation too!!! omg. but managed to get the balloons at a nearby stall. -faints-
we ate! hurhur. after getting out from lavander mrt we ate ahpek ice-cream or so i fondly call it. those who sell ice-cream in push carts. and we ate indian food at tekka market! i was really surprised that mummy cheng eats indian food. not many people appreciate it! and i got to eat my long awaited paper thosai. -licks lips- yummaye!
it's no wonder we are fellow mummies! :D found that we have so much in common! hurhur. it was really fun when we exclaimed everything. like how we like to eat ice-cream with bread, etc. :D
shall not be able to post pictures cause i have no time to upload them. but i shall upload pictures soon! since there's farewell tmrw. :D
7:25 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
i swear today was a swoon jenna to death day.
i was totally surrounded by fantastic voices today! hearing cheryl sing during break, hearing the group 3 people sing that song (i'm sorry i cannot rmb the title. something about snow falling i think!) and then hearing the male ______ group sing. waaaaah. -faints-
i loved the song. the tune of the whole song. i really almost melted. if it were sung well like in the recording, i really will just swoon to death. ahahhas. mesmerized by 6 guys. O.o =x
everything seems to idealistic now. i hope the bubble doesn't burst just as yet.
6:01 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
this is what happens when you start getting distracted during math.
of course, i wasn't the one who did this! hahas.

i guess there haven't been many happy things to post about recently...
i must learn to keep a positive mind.
and get infected by positive vibes around me.
2:57 AM
Friday, July 4, 2008
i am really thankful for the support i'm getting...

this is my very sweet vp! (ignore mellow at the background. ahahs)
never ever would i have imagined in the past, we would become partners.
it's funny how fate plays a trick on us sometimes.
both you and i know our story and that's enough.
i'm really blessed to have you as my vp! :)
and my very sweet vp bought me something very sweet for our first official day as choir comm.

super cute-o!
note the details on the star! i was very touched. :)
it's still sitting inside my bag. i think i will keep it there!
like my mascot or something. hahas.
3:04 AM